DELAYED OPENING: Due to the inclement weather conditions, our branches will open at 11 am today, Monday February 6, 2025.

Babysitting Is a Great First Job

Whether you love kids or just want to earn some spending money, babysitting is a great first job. To have more success with it, treat babysitting like it’s your own business.

Money Talks Teen Accounts

Designed for teens 13 to 17 years old to help them make good decisions about their finances.

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Make a Business Plan

A business plan is like a road map. Use it to decide how you’ll find children to babysit, how often you’ll babysit, and how you’ll market your skills. The families you’d like to babysit for will be impressed that you’re so organized and professional.

Find Investors and Mentors

Investors put time, money, or advice into another person’s business because they want to share in its success. Maybe your parents will help pay for a first-aid class. Perhaps your older cousin has been babysitting for years and can mentor, or teach you what she knows. Whoever your backers are, use them as resources to help you succeed.

Prepare and Practice

Families are more likely to hire you if you’re confident about your abilities. That’s why taking a babysitting or first-aid class is a must. When you finish the class and are certified as a “safe sitter,” practice your skills. Volunteer to help with kids at church, at the library, or in your neighborhood.

Decide How Much to Charge

Talk to neighbors, parents, and friends to see what they have paid sitters in the past. This will give you an idea of the “going rate.”


Ask your parents and relatives to spread the word about your skills, make business cards or flyers to give to friends and neighbors, or make a website.

With all your planning and practice, you soon will have a fun, and profitable, babysitting business. And you can put your earnings in your Heritage Valley savings account to grow and work for you even more.


Teen Babysitting little girl

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