Student Loans
Affordable Student Loans That Are a Degree Better
The right education is more important than ever for building the career and life you want. Unfortunately, with the average college student needing to borrow $8,000 or more annually, the cost of college can stand in the way. Heritage Valley Student Loans are designed to make college more affordable, and your dreams more attainable.
Paying for college generally requires that students assemble a variety of funding sources. Scholarships and grants which provide students with no-cost funding is the best place to start, but rarely will these options cover all costs.
Once scholarship and grant options have been exhausted, federally backed student loans are the next best source for low-cost student loans. If after those channels have been explored, more funding is still needed, then private student loans can help.
At Heritage Valley we offer Private Student Loans to help cover your expenses, so you can focus on classes, knowing that your tuition, room, and board, is taken care of.
One Application - Four Years of Funds
One of the best things about our Private Student Loans is that you can secure funding for your entire undergraduate career with one application. Because our loan is a line of credit, there is no need to reapply each year, just request a draw each semester for the amount you need.
Student Loan Rate
Description | APR* |
Private Student Loan | As low as 8.50%** |
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate
To be eligible for our private education line of credit, you must be enrolled in a degree-granting program at an approved school and be a member of Heritage Valley.

Student Learning Center
The learning center is packed full of valuable resources.
- Articles tailored toward undergraduate students and parents
- A college counselor that provides one-on-one consultation for any financial aid and repayment questions
- Financial wellness tools that feature interactive modules and career development
- Easy-to-follow guides
- Upcoming live and recorded past webinars and videos

Why Consider a Student Loan from Heritage Valley?
Heritage Valley exists to serve our local community by providing financial products and services focused on your needs. We focus on returning value our members, not outside investors.
When you join a credit union, you become a member, not just a customer. You have a personal stake in the success of the credit union, and so do all the other members.
We provide members with benefits like lower loan rates and higher savings rates. Choosing to get your private student loan with Heritage Valley means that you are investing in yourself and your community, and your community is supporting and investing in you.